Monday, September 28, 2009

Some Items I Wish To Discuss And Will Therefore Do So

I used to write notes on Facebook. But then I realized that, although that gave me a potentially wide syndication, that meant that I was constantly thinking about what my friends on facebook would think about what I wrote. Which made me not write that stuff. Or made me write things I wouldn't necessarily write now. I don't think I gave into that pressure a lot, but here we are. I don't have that pressure anymore.
Plus, real writers have blogs.
So, my friend Melanie left all of her CDs at my house when she came over, and I downloaded her Ben Folds CD, Way To Normal, and I'm addicted to it. I keep listening to Cologne over and over and over again. Everything about the song is how I feel sometimes. Which is how it is with just about every Ben Folds song. Maybe he's me? Maybe I'm him? Maybe I just try to identify with really cool, really creative people? One of those.
There's a huge difference between talking to someone when you know what they're saying is true and when you know what they're saying isn't true, even when they're saying the same thing they said yesterday. This isn't based on anyone I've talked to recently. It's just something I think about.
Last semester I walked around campus with my head down all the time, afraid to say hello to people. Now I keep my head up and am an aggressive greeter. If people don't hear me, I keep saying their name until they notice. I'm happier now, even though I'm creepier. People like to be recognized. People like to hear other people say their name.
Definition of a poet: someone who speaks the truth in a way that no one has spoken it before.
So, poets are prophets.
I made those things up. But I think they're true. Does making things up make them untrue? Sometimes. But not always. I hope.
I love having a roommate. I love being around someone and not having to say something, but sometimes saying something if one of us wants to. Sleeping in the same room as someone else. Feeling safe. Sharing. I miss Amanda, but I love Sarah, obviously.
The other night I was at an APO meeting and wondered where Amanda was, because I forgot for a second that she wasn't on campus. I was looking forward to seeing her. It was like reaching to grab something that wasn't there anymore. Jarring and sad.
BUT! Today was a great day on so many levels. I had a lot of great feedback for my first ever script. And I love my classes. And I love a lot of human beings. And my secret sister gave me Swedish Fish in my mailbox, which was a double win because I not only have Swedish Fish, I also had mail.
Mail is great.
That's that.


  1. yes yes yes yes!!! this was awesome!

    im glad that you are happier now that you are creepier. im not sure if im glad you are creepier, but either way the fact that you are happy is more priority than your creepiness.

    ...just dont get toooooo creepy :)

  2. Haha. I'm only creepy sometimes, I think.
    Or I'm so used to my creepiness that I don't notice it anymore.
    My suitemate told me that I'm not that creepy, so hopefully that's true and she wasn't just trying to make me feel better.
